
Creating a healthy and harmony Oromia

Oromedia is creating Oromo harmony as of today. It is established to create a healthy and harmony relationship among Oromos in Oromia and Diaspora.

The message of Oromo Harmony is Every Oromo Belongs. It is a day of cultural respect, love and care for everyone who calls Oromo. Oromo Harmony is a universal harmony programme to celebrate Oromia’s diversity with respect, love and belonging.

There are many ways we can celebrate Oromo Harmony– through storytelling, sport, dance, art, film, music, and sharing cultural stories and meals. By participating in Oromo Harmony activities we can learn and understand how all Oromians from diverse backgrounds equally belong to Oromia and make it a better place.

Oromedia will encourage Oromians to celebrate Oromo Harmony to reduce social conflict or quit segregation and discrimination of all types through health campaigns support. To encourage celebrations, free Oromo Harmony promotional material is available to those who participate on our competition.

To celebrate Oromo Harmony we’re running a competition; tell us what does a healthy and harmony Oromia look like to you?

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